Monday, July 21, 2008


so yes, apparently i suck at blogging.

i haven't posted in almost a month. in my defense, this isn't because i haven't been running and don't want you to know. i've just been really freaking busy. summer in chicago is a crazy time because the winter sucks so much. "how do you mean," you ask? well, basically the weather is so terrible from about the middle of october to may, everyone stays inside. that means that from may to october when the weather is tolerable, there are about 2000 things going on every day. it's slightly crazy, although it's also incredibly fun.

however, it's not just a summertime issue. i did the avon walk for breast cancer at the end of june. 39.3 miles over 2 days. it about kicked my ass and did mess up my knee somehow. this is the first time i've ever been injured walking/running in a non-traumatic way (like the time i sprained my ankle trying to jump over the cockroach doesn't count.) it was a total overuse/mechanics/lack of training for the distance injury and although it's not as painful now (thank god), it's still bothering me. gah. this means i will actually have to take care of myself. like stretch before and or after a run. double gah.

k and i also moved. woot! we are now officially homeowners. this is a good thing, but the novelty of moving has worn off. for k, this means he doesn't have to do anything moving related anymore. for me, this means i begrudgingly have to put up all the freaking pictures, break down all the empty boxes and drag them out to the recycling (oh, for the record, city of chicago recycling comes every TWO weeks, so i also had to drag them back), on top of all of the normal cleaning that needs to be done and k doesn't do. needless to say, my days have been in this pattern: get up, go to work, pick up something from the old place/run/play soccer, come home, do a few house chores, eat dinner, do some classwork (oh yeah, did i mention i'm taking an online class this summer which i am making more of a project out of than i should because i am an overachiever and i refuse to half-ass it), watch some tv, fall asleep on the couch, wake up at 1:30, go to sleep in bed, rinse, repeat. notice no blogging in there. oops.

ah yes, and there's also the introduction of mad men into my life. this show on amc is pretty incredible. fantastically deep characters, good story lines, history and creative industry based... it's right up my alley. and it's on on demand which we have for a few months because we got new cable because we moved. this is bad for me. i am cutting my tv problem down in the fall i swear.

despite this craziness though, i did a 10K yesterday. it was m's first race (she and a friend did the 5k), so i did the 1st mile with them until the courses split. i finished in 58:23 or something like that which for me, is totally a PR. (last time i ran this race, i finished in 1:10 something or other. granted, it was about a billion degrees and sunny that day and this day was overcast and cool, but a PR is a PR.) i did the first mile with M in 11:00, but my overall pace was 9:23, so i'm pretty happy with that. too bad 6.2 miles isn't the same as 26.2...