a friend's brother's friend (got that?) recommended this product to me this winter when i was in colorado with the disappointing news that it had not yet made it across the mississippi, so if i wanted it, i'd have to order it online. now, i do order things online (like a purse the other day. stupid project runway introduced me to bluefly) , but i just couldn't bring myself to do this with the furminator for some reason. wow, was that a mistake.
i furminated both maddux and carlos. it didn't do much for maddux, but carlos (who has longer hair than maddux)-- damn! we could go into business making wigs for cancer patients with the amount of hair that is coming out of this dog. it's ridiculous. and kind of amazing. we have had "issues" with dog hair for as long as we've had dogs (i admit part of the problem is that neither of us like to clean much. or at all.), like to the point that i have to use my hands to "scrape" up the hair on our area rug (dark blue rug with shedding dogs=bad choice) which i know is very gross.
however, i have faith that the furminator will change all of this. we close on our condo tomorrow and i'm furminating carlos every day from now until when we officially move in. and then every other day once we're in. if i don't have to clean up balls of hair all over the house (no, kyle doesn't clean up hair), it will be so worth it. or my dog will be bald. this would also solve the problem.
and yes, i know this has nothing to do with running.
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